These three staff members have given 30 years of service to the Chillicothe R-II School District! Help us thank them for their time and dedication in helping our students succeed!
4 months ago, Laura Schuler
30 Years of Service
These amazing staff members have served the Chillicothe R-II School District for 25 years! We thank them for their dedication to our students!
4 months ago, Laura Schuler
25 years of service
Good afternoon, Hornet family! Please join us in thanking our staff members who have provided 15 years of dedicated service to our students!
4 months ago, Laura Schuler
15 Years of Service
Let's give a shout-out to our 10-year staff members for their years of service! You are appreciated!
4 months ago, Laura Schuler
10 Years of Service
Join us in saluting our dedicated Chillicothe R-II Staff members for their 5 years of service! We appreciate you and thank you for all you do!
4 months ago, Laura Schuler
5 Years of Service
Chillicothe R-II Schools will dismiss classes early on Friday, Dec. 15th for the holiday break. School will resume on Wednesday, Jan. 3, 2024. From all of us at Chillicothe R-II, we wish everyone a safe and blessed holiday break!
5 months ago, Laura Schuler
Merry Christmas
Chillicothe R-II Schools will not have classes Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (Nov. 22-24), due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Classes will resume Monday, Nov. 20th.
6 months ago, Laura Schuler
In observance of Veteran's Day, tomorrow (Saturday), the Chillicothe R-II School District would like to thank our nation's veterans for their service and sacrifice!
6 months ago, Laura Schuler
Veteran's Day
Good afternoon, everyone! There's no school tomorrow (Wednesday, Nov. 1st), as the Chillicothe R-II School District will have a planned Professional Development Day for staff. Happy Halloween everyone!
6 months ago, Laura Schuler
No School
Just a friendly reminder to our Chillicothe R-II parents! To view the early dismissal schedule, please click on the following link:
7 months ago, Laura Schuler
Reminder - PTC
Drive safely, everyone!
7 months ago, Laura Schuler
Bus Safety Week
Check out this important event designed to support our local families who deal with autism!
7 months ago, Laura Schuler
Autism Flyer
Booths at Event
It's National Custodial Appreciation Day and we'd like to give a huge shout-out to our custodians, who work hard everyday to keep our buildings clean for our students and staff. Thanks so much for all that you do!
7 months ago, Laura Schuler
A quick reminder to help you plan, Hornet family....
7 months ago, Laura Schuler
Just a friendly reminder to our Hornet family!
7 months ago, Laura Schuler
Just a friendly reminder to our Hornet family!
7 months ago, Laura Schuler
We have the BEST substitute teachers around! Thank you for all you do!
8 months ago, Laura Schuler
Sub Appreciation Week
Just a friendly reminder to our Hornet family that there is no school on Monday, September 4th in observance of Labor Day. Have a great three-day weekend, everyone!
8 months ago, Laura Schuler
Labor Day Reminder
Good afternoon, everyone! Looks like the first few days of school are going to be super hot! All students are encouraged to bring water bottles - especially athletes and students who ride our busses!
9 months ago, Laura Schuler
Stay Hydrated
Good afternoon, everyone! We've been busy getting ready for the 2023-24 school year and can't wait to welcome our students back! Just a reminder that all R-II buildings will be closed tomorrow (Thursday) and Friday, (Aug. 17-18th) and will reopen on Monday, Aug. 21st.
9 months ago, Laura Schuler
Buildings Closed