Due to a continuing lack of available bus drivers, the Chillicothe R-II Administration has again announced that busing will be provided to in-town summer school students only during the 2023 summer school program.
“Unfortunately, we just don’t have the drivers that are necessary to provide transportation to summer school students who live outside of Chillicothe,” Dr. Brian Sherrow explained. He added that students in grades K-3 who reside inside the city limits will be bused to Field School if they live a mile away from that location, as is the case during the regular school year. All students attending summer school in grades 4-9 at Chillicothe High School will be eligible for transportation due to that school’s location near 190 Highway.
The R-II Transportation Department mailed busing information to parents of transportation-eligible students yesterday (May 15th). Administrators say that parents interested in making other busing arrangements for their children (such as driving them to and from an approved in-town bus stop) should call the bus barn at 660-646-6309 to ensure their student(s) will receive busing on the first day of summer school.
Summer School will be held from May 24th through June 28th. There will be no summer school classes on May 29th (Memorial Day) and June 19th.